This weekend, I went to visit Bill. I really wanted to go [despite my dad saying that we were breaking the rules with this visit because I had just made one, but what does he know?], and I could not have been happier that I made the choice to do so.
Friday was spent driving and spending time with both Bill and Lisa, so the whole team was together again. [I feel weird saying that, but that's kind of how it feels I guess. Like we're some team of... I don't know. Maybe love. I'm sure the world hasn't seen a love like the one shared between the three of us in a long while. But I digress.] We got some food at the P&C, and that felt weird, but I guess that's because most of my shopping is done at the dimly lit Wegman's now.
When we got back, Bill made some food for us: steak, broccoli, mushrooms. It was so delicious! It's the kind of meal that is so good, you wish you could have it every day, but you realize that doing so would ruin it's delicious...ness. I helped a little I guess. I mean... I helped to set things up and whatnot, but I didn't do much. I wish I could. Hopefully, when Bill and I are living together, cooking for meals will be more of a team effort than me just staring dumbly not knowing what to do. It was still really fun though. For some reason, watching Bill cook made me extremely happy and peaceful, and not in the way you hear housewives talk about how they are happy that their husbands can cook because that means they don't have to all the time. It was something different. Something just...wonderful.
Then we had to bring Lisa to her parents' house. I was really really tired, but I drove anyway, and everything went fine. I guess the smarter thing to do would have been to pass the wheel to someone else, but I felt like.. I guess like I would be inadequate if I did that. Like "Sure, I'll drive you to your parents' house, Lisa. By which I mean, do it yourself, with my car," or something. I don't know I guess. Same thing happened today, too...
Saturday, I spent with just Bill. We woke up a bit later than usual, but we didn't have anything all that major to do, so it was okay. We had some more delicious food, and did some homework. We went to Mongolia for dinner. It was really yummy [this weekend's trend was yummy, if you can't tell], and I ate so much!
Then we did some calculus, during which I felt kind of dumb, but that's usually how I feel around calculus, so it's okay I guess.
Earlier in the day, we exchanged Valentine's gifts, and I was really happy! I just love seeing Bill smile, especially when I make something and it doesn't look horrible. I make stuff so people can be happy, because that makes me happy. Bill gave me fountains, and some chocolate, and some crazy lottery love card... things. That's kind of how Mongolia happened. But fountains! I love those, and I've always wanted one, and now I have two! It's very exciting stuff. I ran one for like, an hour in here, earlier.
Today, Lisa came back to Bill's, and we had hot chocolate and talked. And Bill gave Lisa her Valentine's gift, so I went into the bedroom and just slept I guess. It would have been nicer if Yu Hon wasn't writhing in the other bed...
Other than that, I've just been doing homework tonight. I wish I had gotten more done than I actually did, but I can't stay up much longer - I want to have breakfast before Organic tomorrow... It doesn't help much that I'm a slow reader, either. Oh well. I'll just have to work really really hard tomorrow between classes.
Bask in the warmth of happy days,
for when the
Cold winter of
Loneliness stalks behind you,
It will be the only thing that
keeps you from