01 March 2010

The Quantum Mechanics of Life

It is the name of a story I am currently writing.
Of course, this is an ironic name, in the context of my life (in particular), because I effing hate quantum mechanics.
In fact, I'm struggling to do the assignment due tomorrow, and it's not going so well. Eff nodes, and finding them with physics. Can't I just look at a graph and say, "See where this thing hits zero? That's a friggin node." Or, as Mullins used to say, "No nodes is good news." I understand that now. It's good news, because you don't have to go through the algebra with the wavefunction to find them.
Bill told me no one understands quantum mechanics, and sent me quotes from major scientists in the field, talking about how much they hate it. They were cute quotes, but they won't help me to pass the class.
Who the eff wants to play around with triple integrals, anyway? Frig.
I've been sick. Pretty bad. Writhing, get dizzy, the world going too fast, or I was going to slow. I'm feeling better, but still using a lot of tissues.
As a consequence of this sick, I have not felt pretty.
A few days ago, my rats graduated from chewing the blanket and other cloth stuff I leave laying on my bed (usually without thinking about the potential consequences), to chewing through the clothes I am currently wearing. Possum apparently thought my jammie shirt was not allowing my back to breathe, or something.
The bedding I buy for them is exceptionally fluffy this time around. Possum and Cinder have gotten into the habit of pushing it all out of the house into a mountain, pooping on it, and then falling asleep on top of it.
My not-quite-during-the-spring Spring Break is set to begin this Friday. I have a p-chem exam on the first part of quantum mechanics that day. I am looking forward to Spring Break.
I am going to take my mother out to dinner over the break, to celebrate her birthday, which was a few days ago. I look forward to eating delicious things and spending some time with her.
Thursday, we got a blizzard. Not quite, but close enough. Classes taking place after one were cancelled. The next day, they were cancelled until ten in the morning. On Friday, I tried to dig out my car so that I could go to the mall. I dug for forty-five minutes. It did not work.
Saturday, I tried again. I asked some people playing in the snow if I could use their shovel, and they let me. I dug and scraped, and tried again, and it didn't work. Two guys from the group offered to help push me out, and when I was out, I thanked them profusely. I was sick of being stuck at school.
Today, I have a To-Do list that is specifically tasks for today, and it is thirteen items long. I have gotten through nine, and am stuck on the p-chem assignment. I needed a break before I punched out the drunk kids across the hall.
I have three exams this week: one in Psychology and Literature, which is to span over Wednesday and Friday, one in American Literature (which is from the Civil War onward), on Thursday, and the P-Chem on Friday. I hope I can do well on all three.
I am considering borrowing my brother's shirt, which has a cactus on it. It says, "Free Hugs!" I kind of need one or two.

1 comment:

  1. Cutehairgirl. If you wear a cactus, it'll be too prickly :[
