22 January 2009

A New Start

I kind of feel like I'm following Lisa's example, which seems mean, like cheating, but I feel like this is a good idea. Better than Xanga. This way, I can give this site to people I want to read these things, and not have to worry about making it private.
Unfortunately, I'm not smart enough with computers to make my background any more interesting, or else I'd put some polar bears on it. Oh well. For anyone who is truly offended by the lack of aesthetics, I am sorry.
Lately I feel... I don't know. Lonely. Unfortunately, being lonely seems to make me write better. So I'm going to have to learn to write better when I'm happy too, because I don't want to be lonely all the time just because I want to write.
Right now, I feel kind of shaky. I guess it's because I didn't eat much for dinner and I drank coffee. So I might have low blood sugar and be slightly dehydrated. So I'll have to make sure to eat something I guess.
I seem to finally have heat in my room that works well enough to survive in. It still gets kind of chilly at night, though, so I might just have to wear a sweater when I'm not in bed. But I came back from work this evening and it was warm. I even wore just a T-shirt and felt comfortable. Now, though, my fingers are starting to get cold and my arms are, too. So I guess I'll just wear a sweater. It's better than Monday night, when I was so cold and shivery I actually cried.
I have to write an autobiography with at least one lie in it for CRW. It's kind of hard to find something about my life to lie about, but I think that's the point of the exercise. If you can convincingly make up something about your life, then you can surely make stuff up from the top of your head. I guess I just can't figure out what the lie should be. Also, we have to write a poem about it, and that's going to be even harder. I guess I'll figure it out.
I keep thinking about all these things that make me sad and lonely, and I'm not entirely sure why. I try not to get too distressed by it during the day, because I have to go to class and lunch and Wegmans, and I don't want to ruin those times, or lose my focus. Classes are going to be hard enough this semester without me not being able to pay attention because I'm too busy being sad.
I can't help but think about Lisa's transfer to RIT. I try to ignore it, because I know it's not happening just yet, but makes me really sad. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it when the time comes...
Oh well. I guess.. I don't know. I'll figure things out somehow. For now, I have to figure out philosophy.

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